
wonder woman, i am not.

so we call ourselves wonder women. but lately, i have not been feeling very wonder woman-ish. if i were her, my house would be spotless, the fridge would be full and my appearance would be that of a super model. okay....i will never be 6 feet tall, but you get what i'm saying. my fridge is not only consistently empty, but it leaks, my house seems to mysteriously create it's own messes and my appearance....well, let's just say deodorant is about it these days. pew. wonder woman would just shake her head and take away my title.

i may have mentioned in past posts that i am an in-home child care provider for a few other children. up until last week, i cared for a 10 month old, an 18 month old and my own 20 month old. i just added a 2 month old baby girl to the bunch last week, which sort of explains my lack of posts. tuesday night is my usual night to write a post and last tuesday was my first day with all four kids to wrangle. by the time tuesday night rolled around, my energy level had stooped to a new low. therefore, no blog post was to be written.

but it's amazing what a week will do! i have a routine down and i'm rockin' it! God has given me the grace and patience to take care of four kids under the age of two AND still maintain my sanity. give me a baby wrap, two bottles, three high chairs and a little john mayer on itunes and i feel peace:)

i love being at home with my sweet girl and doing child care has allowed that. the kids that i care for are all so great and i am thankful for each one of them. never in a million years did i imagine myself doing this job. as a new mom, i was overwhelmed. many days it was difficult to care for just my own child. i look back on those days and want to a) laugh and b) yell at my past self, "take a shower while you still can!!!"

day by day, i am embracing new challenges and exhibiting new routines. i change at least 10 poopy diapers a day and i'm proud to still proclaim that i love my job:) come to think of it, just disregard that first paragraph up there. i may not carry a rope or wear a red and blue skimpy outfit, but there is definitely some wonder woman in me.


  1. Yes, there is! I am thankful that you know where your strength comes from! I'm very proud of you!

  2. But you DO look like a supermodel every day when I drop Lauren off!
